Where there is a will, there is a way
The 17th century proverb says that if one really wants to do something, one will find a way to succeed. Determination and dedication are the keys to success. If one is determined to do something, there is no way that person could be stopped from doing the intended thing. Even if several obstacles come in one’s way, one evolves strategies and methods to overcome the obstacles and succeed in one’s goal. A person who is determined to succeed in a particular thing, will summon all the resources and energy at his or her command and will be all fired-up to achieve success. Determination or the mental toughness and psychological make-up of a person to succeed play a critical role in achieving success.
Will aims at finding all the possible paths that leads a person to success and then it is the responsibility of the person to keep trying all the paths till he achieves success. Sometimes the correct path turns out early and sometimes it turns out late. Will is the unseen power that brings together all the forces in a human body and make them to travel in the paths that lead to the destination of success. If a person fails at one path, it is the will that motivates him to take up the other path. And finally the person succeeds when he is on the right path to success. It may become late for a person with will to reach the correct path to success but there the probability for the person to miss the target is absolutely zero.
A person with will is a person with a guide to victory. Will is something that is found in all humans who have the thirst of success. For an example, in the famous story of the tortoise and the hare, though the tortoise was well known about the fact that a hare is more efficient than any tortoise in the world, it was the will of the tortoise that made it to reach the success. Will is independent of age, physic, appearance and gender. All it depends on is the determination and dedication to success.